The Case for a Flame Free Candle

Assorted sizes and styles


Purchasing a flameless candle was not on my list of things to buy until I recently saw them in person.  I realized how nice it would be to have few of these in my home. These candles are safe and create an amazing ambiance as well.  

Reasons to want them… 

 1. Fire Safety. It’s a no-brainer: If you fall asleep and forget to blow them out…the house won’t burn down.  

 2. Safety for children. If you have children, and need candles to relax, look for flameless candles that have a gentle flicker, use actual wax and come in a variety of scents.  

 3. Warm welcome home on a dark evening. I don’t know about you, but I hate walking into a dark home. Flameless Candles give you the option of a timer with up to 350 hours of battery time. Wouldn’t it be nice to come home to a candle-lit home every evening?  

 4. Protect your house. This goes hand in hand with number three. Not only will you walk into a cozy home, anyone outside looking in will see candles lit and think you’re home. Flameless candles are a simple and inexpensive safety feature.    

Miss the flame, but love the timer and the flicker


 Don’t get me wrong…I’m not giving up the real thing, but check out the flameless candles at Candle Expressions and Amazon. After a while, you forget they’re not real. xoxox