31 Days to Decorate Confidently. Day 23: Three Levels of Lighting

There are 3 levels of light that should be used within every room. Lighting is the quickest way to set the mood for a space….

General or Ambient Lighting fills a space and provides overall lighting to a room. Sources include natural light (sunshine), overhead fixtures, large pendants, floods and chandeliers.

Task Lighting is light directed to a specific area for a particular activity such as reading or cooking within a space.

Accent lighting adds beauty, warmth and character to a space and is often used to highlight a specific item or area.

Assignment: Look at the lighting within your home and make sure that within each room you have all 3 layers. Search magazines and the internet for light fixtures to add to your inspiration file.

Have fun!

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31 Days to Decorate Confidently. Day 15: Choosing Color

Today we’re going to explore color! Forget the fear… color is fun!

Color should be selected for a space only after considering the following…

Consider existing items that you will keep in the room, making sure that any color selection works well with the items.

Look to your Inspiration photo for color ideas for your space.

Examine how a color will make you feel. Will it be relaxing or stimulating? Will it warm up the room or cool it down? We’ll explore this in more detail later this week.

Evaluate how a color will affect your space – will it make the room feel larger or more intimate? We’ll cover this later this week, too.

Assignment: Look through your inspiration file for some preliminary color choices.

Have fun! xo Amy

To start at the beginning of the series, click here!

31 Days to Decorate Confidently. Day 10: Walls

For the next few days we’re going to explore the different surfaces of rooms starting with walls…

Think outside the box and explore the unlimited possibilities for your walls. Paint is a beautiful option, but make sure to discover and consider all that is out there!

Wall finishes include paint, wall covering, faux finishes, bead board, wood, murals, fabric, wall quotes and so much more.

Research the durability of the finish you are considering. How do you clean it? Is it washable or scrubbable? Will it hold up well in high traffic areas?

Assignment: Keep your inspiration photo close for reference and explore magazines and internet sites such as pinterest, houzz, decorating blogs and other internet sites for ideas you may not have considered. Add any new ideas to your inspiration folder.

Enjoy! Amy xo

Want to start at the beginning of the series? Click here!

31 Days to Decorate Confidently. Day 7: Questions and Lists

Today it’s all about YOU!

Your space is about YOU, it’s about creating a home that fits the lifestyles of the people who live within it. Today is about examining those lifestyles.

Assignment: Below are several tasks to complete. File this information away when done, we’ll use it in a few days!

Do a quick survey of yourself and family members to determine what they would like to do within the room.

Make a list of all the activities you imagine taking place in the room and then think outside the box and add more. Think of activities such as movie watching, reading, eating, game playing, homework, reading, crafts, overnight guests, etc.

Write down how many people you would you like to seat in the room at the same time.

Have fun! xo Amy

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31 Days to Decorate Confidently. Day 5: The Golden Thread

Before you dive into decorating a particular room, there’s something you need to do…

If you’re building a home, creating a golden thread is easy. You might select all nickel finishes, cherry cabinets and have white-painted trim and baseboard throughout your new home. It’s a bit trickier though if you are decorating an older home.

When decorating an older home, you may be slowly updating and changing items as time and money allows, but it’s always good to have a plan for the house as a whole.

A Whole House Plan will unite your rooms, create flow and even make it feel bigger. Make sure to look at your room as a whole first, before you start decorating individual areas.

Assignment: Look around your home and identify the golden threads in your home. If areas feel or look disconnected, consider how you can tie them together when decorating in the future. In other words, develop a whole house plan!

31 Days to Decorate Confidently. Day 4: Beauty and Function

Beautiful decorating is not just another pretty face…

Interior Decorating to many people is about creating beautiful rooms, but what decorators know is it’s really about creating beautiful functional rooms that fit the lifestyle of the people who live within.

Beauty is about things that are pleasing to the eye, but when it comes to beautiful interiors it’s also about placement, relationships, size and more. Ultimately, it’s about how things work together in harmony.

Function is achieved when a space supports the activities within. Storage solutions, traffic patterns, entertainment, leisure and more are all considerations when creating a functional room.

Pay attention to both beauty and function and you’ll create a space you LOVE to spend time in.

Assignment: Become more observant. Look at your surroundings wherever you are. Ask your self… are you comfortable?  Is this beautiful? How does this make me feel?