An Organized Trunk

Trunk Organizer from Stacks n Stacks

 I’m thinking most of my posts, when it comes to organization are going to start with this: A confession. Because really, I could live in this pretend little world and portray that my life is pretty organized, but the point here is to share that if I can do this SO CAN YOU!  


Before I organized my trunk, if I was in my car and stranded in the middle of an Eastern Snow Storm I would have survived for quite a while. Let’s just leave it at that. It was BAD.   

TOOLS: You’ll need…   

  • 1 bag for garbage
  • 1 bag for give-away
  • a box for things to keep
  • Vacuum
  • Lysol and/or freshener
  • Storage container for trunk

WHAT TO DO: This isn’t rocket science and it should only take an hour or so, but once you’re finished, you’ll find yourself looking for a reason to peek inside again because it looks as good as it feels 🙂   

1, Toss garbage in a bag for the next pick up.   

2. Place things you don’t need in a bag to give away – Note: this bag must leave your home, garage or car in 1 week or there’s no point to this.   

3. Place things to keep in a box. Make sure to find a place for everything and put away immediately or you’ll be creating more mess. I’m speaking on the highest authority of experience regarding this one.   

4. Vacuum the carpeting. In fact, shampoo if you need to and add a good spray of Lysol. You could even leave a dryer sheet inside for good measure.  

5. Place a storage container inside your beautiful, fresh new trunk and fill it according to your needs. You don’t have to run and buy a container – you could use a cardboard box. If you decide to purchase a container, it can be as simple as a Clear Storage Bin which you can find for a couple bucks or as nice as the one pictured above for around $30.00. I kept it simple and went with a $10.00, two compartment, collapsible fabric bin with outside pockets. I’ve tried a clear storage container with a lid, but the lid drove me nuts. Plus, I like not being able to see all the stuff  inside. My friend Margie likes to see everything. It’s a matter of choice.  This is similar to the storage bin I use:  

Folding Organizer from Container Store


 Emergencies: Flash light. Battery Chargers, Can of Instant Flat,  

 Clean Car and Passengers: Wipes, Anti Bacterial Gel & Paper Towels  

 Snow Emergencies:  Blanket, Gloves, Hat, Hand/Foot Warmers, Rain Poncho, umbrella and 2 large garbage bags.   There’s also a bag of salt because of the current snowy/icy weather.

Tailgating: Many of the items above double for tailgating and during football season, I will add a couple of red  folding chairs. Go Bucks!!

Shopping:  Re-usable shopping bags for grocery shopping. I think we all need to do our part to help save this wonderful world we live in. Plus… they’re also pretty cute and fashionable. Additionally, it’s nice to have an insulated cooler bag for refrigerated items.  I don’t use my organizer/container to hold my groceries since they are in the reusable bags – it’s so nice that they fit in the trunk now that it’s clean.

IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN: I highly recommend having a set of warm clothes for each darling, not only in case of an emergency but for outdoor events that suddenly turn cold. I left my house for a soccer tournament onceI remember the time I left my house on a beautiful summer day for a soccer tournament. I was wearing a lightweight jacket and my daughter was in shorts.  By the time we arrived to the game, it was snowing. HELLOoooo Mr. Weather Man!  I used the blanket and She slipped on  a turtle neck, gloves, warm pants, and  I used the blanket. Mom didn’t seem so crazy on that day… did she Ashley? xoxox  

Is your trunk ready for your life?

5 Rules to Creating an Organized Life

These are my rules for getting organized in 2010. I’m pretty sure they will be edited along the line, but for now, this is what I’m going with…

1. ) If you don’t love it or need it….give it or throw it away. Period. Be choosy about the things you surround yourself with. The things you love are what make your house a home – if you have a problem letting go, ask yourself if it makes your home more beautiful or does it have sentimental value to you. If it’s yes to either…keep it. If it’s no…pitch it. Can’t decide in 5 seconds? Pitch. 

When determining if it’s something you “need”, ask yourself when the last time was that you used it. If it hasn’t been used in the last year…you don’t need it. Go through whatever you’re cleaning out and be faithful to these two rules. Go back a week later and see if there is anything else you can let go. I have one exception: I’m not letting go of my Calvin Kliens until I can fit into them again. I need them for inspiration 🙂

2. Create a place for everything and put it back in its place immediately after using it. My mother used to drive me nuts. In retrospect, I think I drove her more nuts. She knew the minute that something was missing from its place. Our house was never cluttered unless you visited my room. I now get it. It needs to become a way of life. Pick it up – put it back. Pretty simple, but  life changing when put into action.

3. Organize NOW, worry about pretty later. This is particularly difficult for me. So incredibly difficult, in fact, I’ve come to realize I’ve used it as a crutch. In my anal little mind, I want everything organized AND looking beautiful. In fact, it drives me out of my mind so much to see that I have old vinyl floors in my pantry and laundry room, that in the past, I didn’t organize or keep up with them because I knew they would still look ugly. In fact, I applied that concept to most of my home which definitely needs a makeover. The good news is to stay tuned because there will be lots of before and after pictures of my home along the way. Here’s two examples of before and after of areas in my house. The Guest Bath  The Pink Bath  There is so much left to do, but I’m thinking this will be so much fun to share with you!

I finally organized my laundry room last month  in spite of its ugliness and I swear to you it feels as good as losing 20 lbs. The areas still need a new floor and coat of paint, but that will be phase II. I did put up a little plaque, fabric bins and an inexpensive valance, but I can now live with it until phase II.  The point here is to quit making excuses and get rid of the crap. Here’s a news flash: The crap makes it uglier. Split organization and decorating into phases if you have to, just get started.

4. It doesn’t have to cost a lot. The truth is, it doesn’t have to cost ANYThing to get organized and if you have a budget of zero, you will actually save money by getting organized. It’s amazing to find what you can save and what you can find. The point here is the same as in rule 3 … just do it.  I will have a small budget; keeping an eye out for items that I already own and inexpensive bins and such to buy that will hold and store items. The goal is to find storage  items will serve a purpose and yes, look beautiful. I am a firm believer that beauty should strive to be functional and of course everyone should have beauty in their life.

5. Do something once a week. The key to creating an organized life is to do something consciously towards it every day and actively towards it every week until you have an organized life. Every day you’ll be putting things in their rightful place and every week, you should pick a new area of your life to tackle. It might be a drawer, a paper trail or the garage. The point here is taking on a project each week, however big or small, brings you one step closer to your goal.

Tomorrow I’ll show you a couple of my projects from last month…my purse and my trunk.  xoxoxo

Embracing Organization in 2010

Addicted to plastic bins...

 I’ve never been excited about my New Year Resolutions in years past. They usually had something to do with exercise or losing weight  – which I’m still working on and more enthusiastically than in years past I should add, but this year I added something new. One of my resolutions for 2010 is to organize every single aspect of my life one weekend at a time until done. I’m talking about my purse, my home, my office, my car – you name it, it’s getting organized. The goal is to pick a project as small as a drawer or as big as a closet or garage and get it organized.  

Here’s the best part…I am LOVING it. I missed a weekend a week ago  due to an unexpected event and  I actually couldn’t wait until the next weekend came around to get back on track again! Who knew organization could be so fun and feel so good!  

I first got the bug when I cleaned out a closet in my bathroom last year. It turned out so nice and I am still amazed that it still looks the same today. In fact, I went back the other day and cleaned it out even more. For me it has been a  month of finding what works and what doesn’t and this whole organizing thing is definitely a work in progress. I must confess I’m currently addicted to fabric drawers, binders with plastic sheet covers inside and plastic bins of multiple shapes and sizes.  

Anyway, I was thinking…do you want to do this together? I’d love any of your tips and to see what you’re organizing! I’m putting together some of my thoughts to get you started and will then post every week my newest project. Come on and join me! I’m thinking it will be fun!