The Two Week Re-Do

What do you think I can get done around my house in two weeks, working only nights and weekends? I only have 3 weekend days and 9 week nights as I am going to Columbus next Saturday for a meeting/fish fry and will be driving to Columbus to up a house guest at the airport on the 24th. Yikes!

As you may know, I have declared that I will have my house organized top to bottom by the end of the year. I also have some serious decorating to do along the way as I have put my house on hold for way to long to start a business.  As I set these goals in January, I thought I had a year to get a lot of this done, but a very good friend of mine who I went to Butterfly World with a month or so ago, has decided to meet me in Columbus for the Spring game on the 24th and come visit that night.  To say I am in panic mode is an understatement, although I have to say I am very excited about her visit! It’s not that she won’t love me if it’s not done, it’s just that she’s never been to my house and I want it at least semi-done. This is going to make me get some serious stuff done or at the very least started. I figured I would just go ahead and share it with you along the way…the good, the bad and the ugly.

Some things need to get done so that I have room for other things, so if they seem like silly things, there is a reason behind it. Here’s some of my to do list:

  • Find a place to store my daughters stuff. She moved back in for a bit and has lot to put away. I need to find a place for it.
  • Work a bit on the garage and pantry so I have room for things above.
  • Figure out a color scheme and inspiration for the two bedrooms. Will not have time to paint, but need to have a plan. 
  • Select carpet for two bedrooms, stairs, a hallway and study and schedule a measure.
  • Tear up the old and seal the plywood floor. A beloved dog of ours died and had a bit of a potty problem in his last days. Quite sad and very yucky.
  • Get the carpet installed by the 22nd.
  • Schedule a painter for April – need to get carpet laid first. More on that later.
  • Clean out the two bedrooms and study.
  • Make sure the Bathroom is ready for a guest.
  • Clean…that will happen along the way.
  • Find a table to go with my new chairs for my new cocktail area.

I can tell you that without the paint, it won’t be finished in two weeks, but the new carpet will make a huge difference. Stay tuned, I’ll be posting updates, photo’s and thoughts for the next two weeks. It’s getting a little crazy around here, haha! xoxox Amy